hi, i’m yuxi.

I am a Distinguished Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Northeastern University’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences.

My work sits at the intersection of usable privacy and security, human-computer interaction, and design, via a lens of critical theory. Specifically, I design collaborative and social systems that help people with privacy and security problems respond to their harms. In my research, I aim to empower people to collectively respond to institutional privacy harms (e.g., online behavioral advertising, data breaches, surveillance, etc.) and demand accountability, mitigations, or reparations for those harms. I conduct mixed-methods research on such collective action through creating design probes and design fiction; I also love surveys and interviewing.

I recently earned my PhD in Computer Science from Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing, where I studied human-computer interaction and computer-supported cooperative work under the co-advisement of Sauvik Das and Keith Edwards. My research has been supported by a Georgia Tech President’s Fellowship and a JP Morgan Chase AI Research Fellowship.